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Home > Technical literature in a sentence

Technical literature in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-02-21Updated:2024-02-21
Similar words: technical cooperationtechnicalitytechnical termtechnical termstechnical measurementtechnical feasibilitytechnicaltechnicals
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1, The technical literature suggests that structural factors may have been more important than price factors in explaining the persistent deficit.
2, Much of the technical literature on the subject seems to confuse the two sets of questions distinguished in this section.
3, In the technical literature,( literature.html) virtual unanimity reigns: most of the variation among individual IQs is due to variation in genes.
4, Documentary research in the technical literature was undertaken to plan interviews and to identify key areas of technological innovation and technical uncertainty.
5, They rarely publish their arguments in the technical literature; when they do, the arguments usually fare poorly.
6, Prepare technical literature for customers as required.
7, Complete demo boards technical literature such as manual, application notes and bench evaluation report.
8, The results are now being followed up with an intensive programme for new technical literature an an advertising campaign.
9, These matters are the subject of a large and technical literature.
10, It bases its assessment mainly on published and peer reviewed scientific technical literature.
11, Translation Service Center provides the service of multilingual translation of technical and non - technical literature.
12, CSA has been publishing abstracts and indexes to scientific and technical literature for over 30 years.
More similar words: technical cooperationtechnicalitytechnical termtechnical termstechnical measurementtechnical feasibilitytechnicaltechnicalstechnicallytechnical terminologynontechnicalliteraturetechnical datatechnical foultechnical know-howagrotechnicalpyrotechnicaltechnical paperstechnical skilltechnical manualtechnical schooltechnical reporttechnical advisertechnical servicetechnicalizationtechnical controltechnical programtechnical documenttechnical proposaltechnical function
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